Disinfection & Sanitisation Services

The Empire Environmental Limited team provide proactive and reactive deep cleaning and sanitisation services.

Cleaning with a difference. You can rely on us in your home, workplace and offices.

We utilise specialist cleaning materials and fast-acting disinfectant which kills 99.99% of bacteria and viruses, offering long-lasting antimicrobial protection against microbes and odours, fighting Coronavirus, Norovirus, Influenza A (H1N1), Listeria and MRSA, to name a few.

Maintaining a high level of hygiene is extremely important, never more so than recently where we have seen dramatically increasing transmission throughout workforces.

Sanitisation and Disinfection services have become essential in maintaining premises safety and reducing staff absence rates.

Related services: Emergency cleaning, Biohazard cleaning, Crime scene cleaning, Extreme cleaning, Hoarder clearance and cleaning.

  • Disinfection & Sanitisation

    We provide comprehensive disinfection and sanitisation services within both private homes and commercial properties.

    This can include, but is not limited to:

    Viral outbreaks, Illness outbreaks (such as Strep A, Covid 19, Influenza and other medical conditions) which spread easily throughout homes or workplaces.

    We also provide one-off deep cleaning services (and extreme cleaning) where someone has been unable to clean on a regular basis, and requires a ‘reset’ and a return of the properties condition to one which is manageable regularly. Often this is for properties where cleaning has not been a priority. Our services always include disinfection, sanitisation and odour removal.

    This work often takes longer that regular cleaning or deep cleaning, requires greater attention to detail and specialist materials such as disinfectants and cleaning solutions.

    Our biohazard and emergency cleaning services are provided to the highest standards with exceptional results.

  • Respite Care & Health Cleaning

    Our respite care cleaning services are tailored for situations where the home owner or resident is undertaken respite care and their property needs cleaning attention.

    It’s not just for those who have gone in to respite care. We provide one-off cleaning services to those with health conditions who require sanitisation of their property, or for properties which have been left uncleaned for a while and require returning them to their former condition which can then be maintained by the occupant or a domestic cleaner.

    We also provide cleaning services on a one-off basis for properties where the occupant is unwell, or has been in care for a while and needs to return to a clean, safe and enjoyable environment. Our work often involves providing cleaning services to ensure someone is able to be discharged from hospital.

  • Hoarding & Biohazard Cleaning

    Hoarded homes quickly become unsanitary and unhealthy environments. Often with the presence of food waste, sanitary item waste and human or animal waste.

    Our hoarding clearance and cleaning services provide the highest standard of care and attention, returning a property to its former condition. Our work focuses on clearing, cleaning, sanitising, disinfecting and odour elimination.

    Hoarding activity is more common than you may think. Around 92% of those who hoard experience mental health problems, with DIOGENES SYNDROME causing persons to hoard but also suffer from self neglect.

    We understand the breadth of hoarding concerns, the background and how this can impact upon those who hoard. This can include living in unsanitary conditions which can affect their health.

    For more details click here.

Hospital discharge cleaning.

We tackle tasks which many, indeed the majority, of domestic cleaning companies would walk away from. Often we are asked to help because a cleaning company say that they can not.

Sadly, this frequently includes properties where someone is unable to be discharged from hospital due to the condition of their home. Poor living conditions can be a significant factor in the decision making process regarding someones ability to return home to a clean and safe property.

We can help. To complement our biohazard removal and cleaning processes, we provide complete decontamination, sanitisation and disinfection services.

Providing full cleaning and sanitisation services allows a safe discharge home to take place, to an environment which is healthy.

Workplace - Sanitisation and Disinfection

Viruses spread quickly amongst workplaces, where there are high concentrations of people working in close proximity.

Reducing avoidable staff sickness rates can be extremely important, which is why we understand the importance of hygiene within such environments.

Maintaining a high level of hygiene is extremely important, never more so than recently where we have seen dramatically increasing transmission throughout workforces.

Empire Environmental Limited provides reactive and proactive sanitisation services to business, reducing the risk of viral outbreaks.

Get in touch to discuss your sanitisation needs.

Ozone generator.

One of our greatest assets when it comes to fighting odours.

Our ozone generator is fantastic at removing odours and foul smells, rather than masking them with air fresheners. This fantastic piece of equipment is a versatile solution that can be used in commercial, industrial, domestic, and vehicle applications. It's perfect for removing a wide range of odours, including smoke and pet odours. Ozone means "fresh air" in Greek. Creating O3 (Ozone) to capture the odour, It will automatically decompose into oxygen within 30 minutes, without any residual pollution.

Firmly one of our favourite pieces of equipment!!

Get in touch to discuss your sanitisation needs.

  • Regular Deep Cleaning and Disinfection

    Deep cleaning includes cleaning of surfaces, touch-points and ultra low volume fogging providing whole-encompassing sanitation at micron level, to a standard far above that of standard regular premises cleaning.

    This is essential to maintaining a defence against bacterial and viral transmission, protecting your business and staff against the risk of infection, thereby reducing staff absence and mitigating risks associated with a limited workforce.

    Our proactive deep cleaning and disinfection services can ensure that your business continues to operate, and does so safely.

    If you would like to discuss the benefits of proactive preventative deep cleaning get in touch with our specialist team today.

  • Droplets contaminated with viruses and bacteria can survive on hard-surfaces for several days, which puts anyone using exposed areas at risk.

    Unexpected situations can arise and the way you respond to them is crucial. Empire Environmental’s reactive cleaning services are designed to help you provide a safe, hygienic and risk-mitigating environment.

    Whether you have an outbreak of Covid-19 in your workforce, or have found sharps on your premises, our professional team can attend to manage the risk urgently.

    We will disinfect all touch-points (e.g. doorhandles, light-switches, desks), workspaces, and other high-traffic areas through a combination of general cleaning, sanitisation and disinfection.

  • We also provide an ‘air-space’ disinfection service (i.e. fogging service), which targets hard-to-reach areas, providing an all-encompassing approach to safety.

    This uses specially formulated disinfectant agents, dispersed in the air as an aerosol or ‘fog’, which is targeted at all surfaces , thereby disinfecting the entire room. This may be used as the sole disinfection method, but is usually combined with specific touch-point disinfection.

    Note: During fogging, respirators and other PPE must be worn by anyone in the vicinity - it is recommended that Fogging be completed on non-business days or in the evening, in the absence of a workforce.

Insurance Coverage

We are comprehensively covered for all work undertaken, with £10,000,000 of public and product liability cover, to give you peace of mind.

Our insurance documentation (as provided by Hiscox Insurance Company) is available upon request, and covers every eventuality.